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With all dedication to those in whom their exstence makes this possible, I thank you.


ECA was for me the school of the jazzy knocks over boozy girl-filled days at The Foundry Cafe. Frank Zappa and the technist players, the pop psych, pop-corn smashin' days. Jazz High School and Vic Steffans to NYU Music & Business and starting up with The Fenwicks and then The Hour and then c-c motorcycles and LA and writing and W boxes in cheap Hollyweird Boulevard SROs and slow-rides...crazy and farm, out and out - back to NYLS, I'm a workin' stiff fo' evermo'. Best try the creative.



Edgar Grana and Mark Birnbaum, TV and law, books and sites, The Ode Less Travelled, ...and then there is Jonny Gowanus, a man with a band, so far a poet's passenger bus attracing all the finest, uh, characters from where we are now. JGB puts in place the performance and the writing...heck, its the perfoamance of the writing, the music and the rock, the brights and the nights, all kinda highlights.


I hope these pages lead to your creativity and aid in mine, that as water seeks its level, so shall we find, that as my forfathers had to study politics and war so that their sons may have taken liberty to study mathematics and philosophy, their sons and my fathers ought and did study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give me, their child, a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain.

                                                                                                                                   John Adams, US diplomat & politician (1735 - 1826)



Why Am I -

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